

7 months ago

There are so many Etsy tools out there, all claiming to be awesome. Some are, some aren’t.

Everbee is one of the better ones for sure.

If you’re not sure which keywords to use, and you’re struggling to come up with new products that will sell Everbee can help.

EverBee claims to be able to save you time and money and help you find new products that stand a better chance of selling.

Its data wasn’t as accurate as Alura’s when I tested it, but the functionality offered is pretty solid.

EverBee Review - Home Page


EverBee is a powerful market research tool that helps Etsy sellers to boost their sales. It comes in the form of a Chrome extension that offers keyword research and estimated information about revenue, traffic, and other analytics. 

The tool provides sellers with real-time analysis of the market and offers suggestions for specific keywords and tags related to their products. EverBee helps Etsy sellers to save time and resources in doing market research tasks, as the tool automates most of the research process.

This way, sellers can focus on more important aspects of their business, such as product creation and marketing. In conclusion, EverBee is an essential research tool that helps Etsy sellers to stay ahead of their competition and achieve success in the vibrant and competitive Etsy marketplace. 


Everbee sidebar

EverBee is a Chrome extension that once installed overlays additional features and information right into Etsy.

This sidebar appears once you install the Chrome extension.

From here you can access the key features of EverBee


Everbee has two key features Product Analytics & Keyword Research:


Provides revenue analytics – Everbee provides estimated revenue for each listing, which helps me see which products are performing well and what price points people are willing to pay for them.

Keyword research tool – One of the best features of Everbee is the keyword research tool. It gives me estimated monthly searches for different keywords, which helps me optimize my listings and improve my SEO.


Saves time and money – Everbee is a tool that helps me confirm whether or not a potential product idea is worth pursuing. This way, I don’t waste time and money creating products that won’t sell.

Helps with product research – Everbee gives me in-depth product research in no time. I can see what products are in high demand, what’s working, and what’s not.

Easy to use Everbee is super easy to use, and the customer support team is amazing. They have helpful tutorial videos and are always available to answer any questions.

Helps create best-selling itemsEverbee shows me exactly what products are best-selling, which gives me ideas for new products to create. This way, I can stay ahead of the competition and bring in more sales.

Gives tag ideasEverbee shows me the tags that the top listings are using, which gives me ideas for tags to apply to my own listings for better visibility.

Connects with my shopEverbee needs to connect with my Etsy shop in order to provide accurate data. It doesn’t have access to my personal or shop information, and I can revoke access at any time.


The keyword research tool allows users to search for a particular term to get an indication of the number of searches, competition, and demand trends. Whist helpful I don’t think EverBee can compete with tools like eRank for keyword research.

Below you will see the result of a search for Mountain Bike Hoodie carried out in eRank and Everbee.

EverBee V erank comparison data

As you can see from the above, the amount of data that you get from eRank is far more in-depth. However, keyword research isn’t really EverBee’s main focus.

Revenue Data

EverBee uses its estimated sales algorithm to show you what an existing Etsy shop or Etsy listing is earning in revenue. I tested the accuracy with the following results.

For one listing the tool stated it had sold 12 times. In reality, it had sold 60 times. Not a good start.

For another, it said the item had sold 36 times when it had actually sold 42 times. A little closer.

On further analysis, I found that the tool isn’t accurate with the total number of sales, but it did provide valuable insights into which listings are performing well in terms of sales.

So the data is useful, albeit not entirely accurate. Given that Etsy doesn’t provide sales data via its API, it’s hardly surprising that any tools for Etsy aren’t able to be precise in this area.

If you get past the fact that any sales and revenue data provided by any tool, including EverBee, is simply estimated and not 100% accurate then tools like EverBee can benefit your Etsy business.

From a tools perspective, eRank or Marmalead is a must and they work well alongside a Chrome Extension that provides product insights.

I recommend trying all three tools listed below as they all have free trials, then deciding which works best for you.

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